Grand Island Sunset 10k Training Plans
The following are training plans for the 10 k race on Friday 9/30. The first reaches peak weekly mileage of 25. In order to use this plan, you should be regularly running close to or more than 15 miles per week. The second peaks at a weekly mileage of 50. In order to use this plan, you should be regularly running close to or more than 35 miles per week.
Before embarking on either plan, you will need to select a goal time for the 10k race. Look up your current 5k race time on the table to the right and find its 10k equivalent. Your goal pace should be faster than the 10k equivalent, but not unreasonably so. Example : Current 5k time is 24:00. 10k equivalent is 49:56. A reasonable 10k goal would be in the vicinity of 49:00 – 49:30. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Ken at 716-208-6433.
Plan 1 (Peaks at 25 miles in a week)
Week ending Total miles LR Key workout 1 Key workout 2
7/24 15 6 GBTC Tues Track workout HR (2400 meters)*
7/31 17 7 “ RP 2 x 1 mile #
8/7 20 8 “ HR (2400 meters)*
8/14 20 7 “ RP 2 miles #
8/21 22 9 “ RP 3 x 1 mile #
8/28 24 10 “ RP 3 miles #
9/4 22 8 “ RP 2 x 2 miles #
9/11 25 10 “ RP 5 x 1 mile #
9/18 24 11 “ RP 4 miles #
9/25 20 8 “ RP 3 miles, 2 miles #
10/2 15 (m – fri) na 6 x 200 at race pace 10 k race
Plan 2 (Peaks at 50 miles in a week)
Week ending Total miles LR Key workout 1 Key workout 2
7/24 35 8 GBTC Tues Track workout HR (3000 – 3200 meters)*
7/31 38 9 “ RP 2 x 1 mile #
8/7 40 10 “ HR (3000-3200 meters)*
8/14 38 9 “ RP 2 miles #
8/21 43 11 “ RP 3 x 1 mile #
8/28 47 12 “ RP 3 miles #
9/4 45 11 “ RP 2 x 2 miles #
9/11 48 13 “ RP 5 x 1 mile #
9/18 50 14 “ RP 4 miles #
9/25 47 10 “ RP 3 miles, 2 miles #
10/2 25 (m – fri) na 8 x 200 at race pace 10 k race
Race Equivalency Table
5K time 10K Equivalent
16:00 33:16
16:30 34:19
17:00 35:22
17:30 36:25
18:00 37:27
18:30 38:29
19:00 39:31
19:30 40:34
20:00 41:36
20:30 42:38
21:00 43:40
21:30 44:42
22:00 45:45
22:30 46:47
23:00 47:50
23:30 48:53
24:00 49:56
24:30 50:59
25:00 52:01
25:30 53:04
26:00 54:06
26:30 55:08
27:00 56:10
27:30 57:12
28:00 58:13
28:30 59:15
29:00 1:00.16
29:30 1:01.17
30:00 1:02.19
30:30 1:03.20
31:00 1:04.21
31:30 1:05.23
32:00 1:06.24
NOTE: LR-> Long Run
* Hill Repeats: After warmup, do hill repeats totalling the recommended distance with jog recoveries back to the start. Follow with a warmdown. Examples : For 2400 meters you can do 12 x 200, 8 x 300, or 6 x 400. For 3000 – 3200, you can do 15 x 200, 10 x 300, or 8 x 400.
# Race pace runs: After warmup, do the recommended repeat(s) at your 10 k goal pace. Follow with a warmdown. If there are multiple reps, take 1 – 2 minutes walking/jogging recovery between reps. It is recommended, but not mandatory that these workouts be done on a track.
On runs which are not long runs or key workouts, you can add 4 – 6 x 100 meter strides at the conclusion of the run.